December 30, 2003

I'm heading to the Windy

I'm heading to the Windy City today to meet up with best friends from college. I'm quite excited to see everyone and ring in the new year with them. I lived in Chicago for 8 months during my junior year of college and loved it. Chicago isn't a city I'd necessarily want to move for the rest of my life, but it's a great place to visit. We're heading to a bar in Lincoln Park for New Year's Eve. All you can eat, all you can drink top-shelf liquor, and champagne at midnight for $70/person. I think that's a pretty good deal, if you ask me.

DePauw Gang Windy City Gathering Cast of Characters:
Yours truly--Nickname(s): Mills, Millionaire, RC.

Julie--Nickname(s): Jules, Fings, Finger. Currently: works in corporate real estate in St. Louis. Interesting fact: Her name is Julie Finger. She only has 8 fingers. Swear. Her identical twin is exactly the same way. Crazy, huh?

Allison--Nickname(s): Bogs, Booger, Big Fun. Currently: working for her dad's company in Wooster, OH

Leslie--Nickname(s): Lester, Les. Currently: working for Harris Bank in Chicago and taking MBA classes at night.

Keith--Nickname(s): Keithums, Dr. Ace, Red Rocket. Currently: a second year med student at IU.

Ross--Nickname(s): Lieutenant Dangle. Currently: a second year med student at IU.

Tara--Nickname(s): T, T-Dogg. Currently: working for Harris Bank in Chicago and taking pre-reqs for nursing school.

B.J.--Nickname(s): Bone. Currently: teaches 7th grade emotionally handicapped students in Indianapolis.

Matt--Nickname(s): Brown, Gary. Currently: first year law student at the University of Dayton.

Lindsay--Nickname(s): Borch, Linds. Currently: second year vet student at Purdue.

Keith and Bone are picking me up in a few. Well, let me rephrase. They told me to be ready at 3. I have a feeling it will be more like 4.

Have a great New Year's Eve everyone!! I'll be back blogging on the 1st!

Party hard!

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 03:05 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Bush administration announced today

The Bush administration announced today that it is banning the sale of ephedra next year.

It's bad stuff. Picture a sorority house full of girls. We were all very competitive in the classroom as well as out. We all wanted to look like cover girls. That stuff (among other eating disorders) was rampant. I took it too. I'll admit it. It would not only speed up our metabolism, but we could stay up studying for hours on end. There were times that I'd look down while reading, and my hands would be shaking.

I was stupid. Lots of us were stupid. And now others won't have to learn the hard way. There have been far too many deaths because of ephedra use.

Thanks, President Bush.

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 02:11 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Actor Earl Hindman has died

Actor Earl Hindman has died from lung cancer. You may not recognize his name, but he played neighbor Wilson on "Home Improvement."

I always thought he was the highlight of that show.

Thanks for the tip, Jewdez.

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 09:48 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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A resident from the tiny

A resident from the tiny town of Lebanon, Indiana has earned himself a spot in the Guiness Book of World Records. With both fists raised in the air, hundreds of family and friends cheering and a big hug from his wife, Gene Wethington bowled his way onto the book's pages Monday by topping the old record of 52 hours and 15 minutes of continuous kegling.

Following Guinness rules, he was allowed a 15-minute break every eight hours. Wethington spent that time using the restroom, smoking, relaxing in a chair for a rubdown, having his fingers retaped and, because he has high blood pressure, having his blood pressure checked.

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 08:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 29, 2003

Some of the gals and

Some of the gals and I went to Broadripple for dinner and then to a bar to watch the IU game (We won! YAY!). Anyway, the following conversation made us all laugh hysterically. I'm not using names because too many of my law school friends read this blog.

Friend 1: So, I wanted to spice things up with _____(boyfriend), so I suggested we rent a sexy movie to fool around to. I suggested we rent 9 1/2 Weeks.

Lawren: Very creative. I haven't seen it, but from what I've heard, you picked a good one.

Friend 2: (Looks puzzled for a moment). Isn't that that movie with Hugh Grant?

Friend 1 and Lawren look at Friend 2 with confusion.

Lawren: That's 9 Months, you moron.

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 10:56 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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I really want to see

I really want to see this movie and this movie. Both got 4 stars. (Not that I always agree with the critics, but it's a start.)

So many movies, so little time. (Before school starts back up, anyway).

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 06:38 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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This story made me sick

This story made me sick to my stomach: A woman who had been telling people for as much as 10 months that she was expecting a baby killed a pregnant acquaintance and cut the fetus from her womb, authorities said Monday.

What is wrong with people?

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 02:34 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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I took a break from

I took a break from writing my law review paper to take some brainless quizzes. (23 pages down!). Here are my results:

Sophisticated and classy, you're in it for the good time and the free drinks . . .
Congratulations!! You're a colorful and
sophisticated Cosmopolitan!!

What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a Caramel!! You are known for your
sweetness. You are comfortable with yourself,
and help others feel the same way about
themselves. You are generally friendly to
everyone, and believe in second chances.

Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

elegant sexy
You're ELEGANT sexy! You have a tasteful style,
that not only draws attention to you, but gives
you respect. Your style is more graceful than
that of others.

What kind of sexy are you? [For girls only! With Pics! Finally Finished!]
brought to you by Quizilla

Your fantasies involve love, not lust. You are a
fantastic kisser, and for very good reason:
it's your favorite thing. You are sappy as
hell, and you don't care who knows it.

What's your brand of sexy?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 02:24 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 175 words, total size 2 kb.

I found this story quite

I found this story quite amusing. She wouldn't let airport officials treat her pet like "Osama fin Laden."

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 02:03 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 28 words, total size 1 kb.

December 28, 2003

Head over to Josh's blog.

Head over to Josh's blog. He is currently accepting nominations for his "Best Of 2003" awards.

My nominations were as follows:
Man of the Year--Donald Rumsfeld

Woman of the Year--Elizabeth Smart

Rock 'n Roll Play of the Year--Rod Stewart giving up on trying to sing and act like he's 30. His 2 new CD's of old favorites are fabulous! "Great American Songbook 1 and 2."

Presidential Play of the Year--The Thanksgiving trip

Loser(s) of the Year--Scott Peterson; Saddam Hussein; Steve Bartman; Martha Stewart; Gray Davis

Movie of the Year--"Door to Door"--TNT movie w/ William H. Macy.

TV Show of the Year--"Six Feet Under"

Album of the Year--Coldplay's "A Rush of Blood to the Head"

Best New Artist of the Year--I'm not sure if he has released a CD in years past, but I feel like Josh Groban's popularity has really soared this year--and it is well-deserved. Also, Evanescence released a great first album this year.

Sports Team of the Year--Florida Marlins

Athlete of the Year--Serena Williams; Lance Armstrong

Irritation of the Year--Jessica Simpson; Dixie Chicks; Bennifer

Blogger of the Year--Michael at DiscountBlogger

Journalist of the Year--David Bloom

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 11:57 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Way to go Colts! Mike

Way to go Colts!

Mike Vanderjagt's field goal as time expired not only set an NFL record for consecutive field goals made, it gave the Colts a 20-17 win and the AFC South crown.

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 04:24 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Stage and screen has lost

Stage and screen has lost another fine actor this year: Alan Bates. He died this morning after his long battle with cancer.

He won a best actor Tony Award in 2002 for his portrayal on Broadway of an impoverished nobleman in "Fortune's Fool," Ivan Turgenev's dissection of mid-19th century Russian country life. I also thought he was great in 2001's "Gosford Park."

He was knighted last year.

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 11:45 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 77 words, total size 1 kb.

December 27, 2003

This story reaffirms: dogs really

This story reaffirms: dogs really are man's (or in this case, little boy's) best friend.

You never know--one of your guardian angels could be your pet.

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 09:14 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The guy friends that called

The guy friends that called me in the middle of the night last night (see previous post) tried to redeem themselves today. Knowing I was sick, they decided to bring me lunch and rent a movie to watch with me.

They rented "A Mighty Wind," which I had not seen yet. It was very funny. Good choice, guys.

They brought me LaBamba's for lunch (for those of you that don't know, it's a "burritos as big as your head" type place). Not probably what most of us would bring to a sick person, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Thanks, boys.

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 06:42 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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I have a head cold

I have a head cold from hell and my drunk guy friends felt the need to call me three times from 3:30 a.m until 4 a.m.

Not a good combo, and I was not amused.

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 10:56 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 45 words, total size 1 kb.

December 26, 2003

Let me repeat: Men are

Let me repeat: Men are stupid.

This guy is a complete moron. Sure buddy, she didn't want you before, but I'm SURE she's gonna want you with wounded genitalia.

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 05:13 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 39 words, total size 1 kb.

...a pencil-thin moustache..." This robber

...a pencil-thin moustache..."

This robber must be a Jimmy Buffet fan!

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 10:26 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 21 words, total size 1 kb.

As 2003 draws to a

As 2003 draws to a close, we can take a look back at the amazing and legendary entertainers we lost this year.

Bob Hope
Gregory Hines
Gregory Peck
John Ritter
Katharine Hepburn
Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash
Nell Carter
Barry White just name a few.

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 10:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 57 words, total size 1 kb.

December 25, 2003

I had a great Christmas.

I had a great Christmas. We had Christmas eve open house at one grandmother's last night and Christmas day lunch, etc. at the other grandmother's house. I'm lucky--Santa brought me lots of good stuff. Someone must have lied and told him I was good this year.

If I had to sum up family gatherings with my family in one word, it would be LAUGHTER. I swear, we all laugh so hard it sometimes hurts. I may be bragging, but I have a very intelligent and quick-witted family.

My grandmother bought my dad, uncle, and two male cousins this fancy-shmancy tie holder thingy. The men were trying to figure it out and one of them actually looked at the directions (I know, SHOCKING!). I wonder if the people who write directions for things actually read them outloud. One of the steps in these directions was "insert your rod into the hole." Needless to say, laughter again ensued. We didn't need our quick wit for this one, the direction-writers supplied us with material.

I got home and got 5 pages of my law review note completed as well. **pats self on back** 10 down, about 40 to go. Sheesh.

Well, I'm off to put away my Christmas goodies. Tomorrow I'll start on thank-you notes.

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 07:43 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 223 words, total size 1 kb.

Hope Santa brought you everything

Hope Santa brought you everything you wanted.

Merry Christmas and God bless.

Posted by: Lawrenkm at 09:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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